Thursday 18 August 2011

Kailee and Me

Today I watched a blog begun by a friends' daughter. A beautiful, strong woman who has put her foot down in the battle with food and decided that enough is enough. Oddly, I have been considering the same point as well, and her honest and revealing sharing brought me to tears. I weigh 250lbs. A quarter of a tonne. I know this, and I am ashamed of it, but seem incapable of any motivation to do anything about it. I now have four amazing children who depend on me to be there and healthy. Why can I not do it?
I plan to pray every day, every hour, every weak moment; for the motivation, courage, intelligence...whatever I am lacking to get my monstrous butt in gear. I want to join your journey, Kailee. You inspire me. I want to keep up with you. I want to challenge you. I want to celebrate the success you have already enjoyed! I want to do it for you. I want to do it for my children. I want to do it for me.
Okay, Kailee. I'm in. I don't yet know how but I am going to join you. Tomorrow. Right now. We haven't yet met, but your openheartedness may be what saves my life.

It's on...